Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots

18 April 2006
By Obiora Embry

We the people, the inhabitants of the U.S. and the Earth, have a responsibility to solve the problems that we helped to create...the very problems that began when we let greed, fear, ignorance and arrogance, a lack of respect for the Earth (that we inherited from our ancestors and will pass on after we expire), and by allowing the visual and aural propaganda to influence our daily thoughts and decisions.

We owe it to the unborn and yet to be thought of, to rediscover what it means to be "human," responsible, to work together and solve problems, to distinguish fact from fiction, to recognize that not everyone in this country has the same "standard of living," and that all change must first begin with ourselves.

We must demand that the automakers quit playing "brand new" when it comes to non-gasoline powered vehicles as Henry Ford's first Model T ran on ethanol produced from hemp and was built using a combination of flax, wheat, hemp, spruce pulp, and soy beans, with steel only being used for the frame.  Rudolph Diesel, the "inventor" of the diesel engine worked on the idea of a solar engine between 1880 and 1890.  In 1900, he unveiled a diesel engine that ran on peanut oil at the World's Fair Exposition in Paris, France.  The research, automobiles, and ideas of Ford, Diesel, and others should already be known to the automobile manufacturers and now to us.  However, for us to understand why this "technology" has been stifled for so long, we must understand the continuum that began once Sir Percy Cox and others at the end of World War I carved up the Ottoman Empire and created the "Middle East."

The new boundaries within the

less fuel efficient automobiles and collusion between the petroleum and automobile industries; discrete government, banking, business, and private partnerships with "leaders" of countries with natural resources (Panama, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Afghanistan, and others in the 20th century and still today); greater dependence on "state-sponsored terrorism" and war to control and gain access to the world's natural resources; an increase in air, water, and land pollution by "Corporate America" and gasoline based automobiles; and the rise of the "corporament" (government + corporations) that we must dismantle if "we the people" should continue to have a worthwhile meaning.

Furthermore, we must demand that companies clean up their act, first, by cleaning up the bodies of water that they have polluted, which can be accomplished through the use of bioremediation (the planting of trees and plants that will remove the toxins); second, they must reduce the inflated paychecks of those at the top; third, redesign their processes, products, and infrastructure using the principles of sustainability and eco-design; fourth, cut their toxic emissions down to zero (0); and lastly, take their money out of the pockets of politicians at the city, county, state, and federal levels.

We must demand that the acts and laws that have been passed due to flimsy and circumstantial evidence, fear, and ignorance like the Marihuana Tax Act, Controlled Substances ACT, Patriot ACT, and RAVE ACT be repealed.

We must also change the view that we have of Mother Earth, our neighbors, the businesses that we patronize and/or work for, our lifestyles, and our mindsets.  We must overcome our ignorance, fear, greed, and lack of understanding of the world that we live in, and the sources that we use to obtain our news, and ultimately, how far we will let the corporament control our daily lives.

Last Modified: 3 March 2013 EST

Red Line Agreement
Red Line Agreement
old Ottoman Empire were designed to guarantee conflict and keep the region divided so that "oil concessions and royalties would be easier to negotiate."  The instability created within the "Middle East" combined with a petroleum shortage fear in the 1920's, the "Red Line Agreement" of 1928, and big business defining policies in Washington helped to spiral a domino effect nationally and internationally that still exists in 2006.  [The "Red Line Agreement" gave the Near East Development Corporation (consortium of 5—Standard Oil of New jersey, and Standard Oil of New York, Pan American Standard of Indiana, and Atlantic Refining Company, Gulf Oil Corporation—large U.S. petroleum companies) 23.75% of the Turkish Petroleum Company's (TPC) shares in the new British mandate, Iraq, and joint development of other petroleum fields in the other countries within the Red Line.]

This continuum has coexisted with and been a primary cause of the following: tax on "marihuana"— Marihuana Tax Act, which made it easier for hemp and "marihuana" to be prohibited nationally; the rise of the petrochemical and synthetic fiber industries; increased racial tension in the U.S. towards Mexicans and Blacks due to the national propaganda associated with the demonizing of marijuna by leading industrialists including those with ties to the petroleum industry; resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan; an increase in U.S. domestic policies dictated by big business rather than the people (i.e., fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water, hemp and "marihuana" prohibition); gasoline-based automobile engines; natural and agricultural products almost eliminated as competition in the "paper," paint, plastics, textile, and automotive industries, etc.; greater reliance on petroleum and its derivatives;