My Senior Gift Pictorally: Brochures and Flyers

Islam      *      Iraq      *      Miscellaneous Brochures and Flyers      *      N.O.A.R. Brochures


This brochure highlights the events that occurred during March 10-12, 2000 at the Ohio State University campus in Columbus, Ohio. It was "A Solidarity Youth Activist Conference." The conference discussed the following:

After the Battle of Seattle: What's Next?

The supposed invincibility of the free market and capitalism was dealt a big blow last December in Seattle as thousands of anti-sweatshops activists, students and others effectively shut down the World Trade Organization for 3 days. But its not just Seattle, Corporate globalization and neo-liberalism is meeting resistance all around the world, from Indonesia and Mexico to right here in our own back yard. As we enter a new century, students and youth are getting organized. From resisting the racist prison industrial complex to fighting University compliance with sweatshops and showing solidarity with workers in struggle, we are refusing to accept the corporate status quo.

But how do we connect these struggles that we are building with the big picture and make links with other issues? And as we graduate and move out of the student and youth movement, how do we carry on our activism? The students and young people of Solidarity, a revolutionary socialist organization, is sponsoring this conference to discuss these issues with both newer and older youth activists and how our socialist politics can contribute to and connect these struggles.

For more information on Solidarity, which is a democratic, anti-racist, feminist, revolutionary, socialist organization, contact:

7012 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, MI 48210
Phone: 313-841-0610
Web site: Solidarity

OREPA is the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance. The organization has been "working since 1988 for peace and a clean earth." One of their campaigns is STOP THE BOMBS, which is "a campaign to end nuclear weapons production at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. If interested in learning more about nuclear power, click here.

From the brochure:
Stop the Bombs is sponsoring a series of events and actions to direct the energies of people who desire peace toward the goal of ending bomb production at Y-12.

To learn more about the STOP THE BOMBS campaign or to obtain the "OREPA: Stop the Bombs Video" (narrated by Martin Sheen) contact:

Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance
PO Box 5743 * Oak Ridge, TN 37831
(865) 483-8202 * Web site:

Institute for Cooperation in Space

"Getting migrant children out of unsafe environments is a starting point for Migrant Head Start programs, but they do more. Migrant Head Start programs answer basic needs for migrant children and their families, by seeking to break the cycle of poverty created by moving from place to place."

The program components of Migrant Head Start are education, parent involvement, social services, health and disability services, and nutrition. I had wanted to and tried to help them out my sophomore year, but never had the time to do so. If you like working with kids, are interested in learning about another culture, or you just want to help, please contact one of the offices below:

- Center Locations -
ALAMO, TN 38001

P.O. BOX 707
DAYTON, TN 37321
PHONE: 423-570-9808

Phone 423-613-5437

P.O. BOX 9
UNICOI, TN 37962
PHONE: 423-743-2028

- State Office -

KNOXVILLE, TN 37923-4615
PHONE: 865-694-3285

This flyer has been around for a year or longer, ever since the campus-wide recycling was stopped outside of Presidential when the park was built (which I have seen very, very, very few people use) and the recycling bins were removed. A couple or few months (September 2001) after the park was built, SGA (Student Government Association), S.P.E.A.K. (Students Promoting Environmental Action in Knoxville), and the Physical Plant began a monitored recycling program with set hours for when students could bring their goods to be bins behind Greve Hall and Reese Hall. It is my understanding that it (monitored recycling program) was done to insure proper placement of the goods that can be recycled and to keep trash out of the bins, which were problems when the bins were not monitored!

More about the UT Recylcing Program ("Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the UT Recycling Program"):

I am glad to see that there are groups on campus that believe in recycling, too bad, there aren't more students that do too. As this flyer at times was also torn or taken down by those students (or possibly faculty) who are against this recycling initiative. And if you ever enter a classroom after a day of classes or after a couple of classes have gone on, you can tell that there are many students at UT who have never heard of a trash can let alone recycling. You will see newspapers (recyclable) scattered on the floor under desks and chairs, pop bottles and/or cans (both are recyclable) under desks, and candy wrappers everywhere but where they belong, either in the trash can or one of the recycling containers/bins on campus.

This newsletter was created by a group on campus called NORML(UTK), which stands for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. It is an organization that tries to enlighten the UT community and community-at-large in hopes that marijuana (and hemp) will become LEGAL again! For those who don't know, it was not until 1937 that the federal "Marijuana Prohibition" that we see today began. The newsletter highlights some information about the fight for legalization in the United States.

This newsletter was ripped to shreds in various buildings where it was placed, why? If flyers can be put up by other organizations without being torn down, then there should be no reason why flyers that are attempting to open the minds and "enlighten" others should be torn down or shredded because you don't agree with what it promotes. "Do unto ye as ye would have others do unto ye." (The Golden Rule)

However that was NOT the only flyer that was put up by NORML, there were others (some appear below) and at one point in time, they too were discarded, torn down, or shredded by those who did not agree with the message and were so closed-minded that they had to tear it down because they could not accept the 1st Amendment, which gives us the "freedom of speech." The members of NORML were expressing this "freedom" through their flyers.

   Meeting Flyer     Myths Flyer     Meeting Flyer 2

This was an informational flyer put up NORML to educate others about industrial hemp, commonly referred to as "hemp" or "true hemp." The flyer gives facts about the past and present uses and users of hemp. Even though this flyer was strictly informational (very little to no "propaganda"), it too was ripped apart and a couple of times, it was shredded and thrown on the floor.

Why is this? We say that we are in an institution of "higher learning," but when a group of people or a person attempts to enlighten us through flyers, handouts, or pamphlets they are torn down, isn't that being hyporcritical. If we are truly here to learn, then flyers (especially informational ones) should be kept up until the group who put them up decides to take them down and RECYCLE them.

In February 1938, Popular Mechanics called industrial hemp, the "New Billion Dollar Crop."

This brochure is about an event called the "Tunnel of Oppression" that was sponsored by the Department of University Housing's Diversity Education Committee. The brochure says, "The Tunnel Of Oppression is designed to challenge individuals' thoughts, perceptions, and inner feelings on issues pertaining to oppression and hatred."

This brochure was created by Amnesty International USA and was done (I think) in conjunction with The "Tunnel of Oppression." The brochure discusses "freedom" for Tibet, patterns of violation, the reasoning, and a history of Tibet. The "freedom" of Tibet is sought because articles 5, 9, 18, and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are denied to innocent monks, nuns, and Buddhists by the Chinese government because of their beliefs. For more information on Amnesty International at UT, check out their Web site. You may be able to receive this brochure from them.

This flyer was shredded every time that it was put up, however I am not as to why it was. It only shows us (the citizens of the United States) what the rest of the world has already seen. It is sad that images like the ones present on the flyer never made it to our media to be broadcasted to us, so we would could know what our government was doing in our names.

We need to have more flyers like this appear on campus, not just on the cork boards, but also in "The Daily Beacon" to remind us that we cannot disassociate ourselves from what our government or corporations do outside our border. We have to take responsibility for their actions as well as ours, we have to let them know when they are doing things that we don't like, as well as when they are doing things that we agree with. We have to exercise our "freedom of speech" and "freedom of assembly" to get our government and corporations to act morally and ethically.

This brochure, even though it's for North Carolina is important because it gives information concerning workers' rights on the job and gives information from the new 1999 edition of the Workers' Compensation Handbook. The brochure was developed by NCOSH (North Carolina Safety and Health Project) who are "working together to create safe and healthy workplaces..." NCOSH is responsible for "providing the tools to protect health and safety on the job..." Also I like what NCOSH stands for. Below you will find some of the flyers (in both Spanish and English) that I picked up on NCOSH.

Researches health and safety hazards
Provides referrals
Produces publications
Advocate for effective enforcement
Push for better laws to protect workers
Conduct training programs
NCOSH programs:
The Youth at Work program seeks to educate young people on their rights as workers as well as develop leadership and job skills.
Black & Brown Workers Alliance Born In North Carolina
ASTLANC, the Association of Latino Workers of North Carolina, provides outreach into the Latino Community, helping Latino workers learn and exercise their rights.

Last Modified: 2 November 2024 EST